A Method for Prayer  | Section 8 |  Occasional Addresses

8.13 | For a Minister’s Ordination

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SECTION 8 | Occasional Addresses | 8.13 | For a Minister’s Ordination

Upon occasion of the ordaining of ministers.

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Let the things of God be committed to faithful men, who may be able also to teach others; 2 Timothy 2:2(KJV) and make them such burning and shining lights, John 5:35(KJV) as that it may appear that it was Christ Jesus who put them into the ministry; 1 Timothy 1:12(KJV) and let not hands be suddenly laid on any. 1 Timothy 5:22(KJV)

Give to those who are ordained, to take heed to the ministry which they have received of the Lord, that they fulfil it, Colossians 4:17(KJV) and to make full proof of it, by watching in all things. 2 Timothy 4:5(KJV)

Let those who in Christ’s name are to preach repentance and remission of sins, Luke 24:47(KJV) be endued with power from on high; Luke 24:49(KJV) give them another spirit, 1 Samuel 10:9(KJV) and make them good ministers of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine. 1 Timothy 4:6(KJV)

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